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The SUAPE acts as a privileged point of contact between the private sector and the Municipal Administration of Parma.

The SUAPE is in charge to decide on construction procedures.

It also acts as an interlocutor between the citizen and the other public Administrations responding to any requests necessary to start, modify or create entrepreneurial activities in the productive, commercial, artisan and services fields.


The SUAPE is located at the Municipal Offices  (DUC building) in Largo Torello de Strada 11/A in Parma


1. online services by the dedicated digital platform CPORTAL for Building applications:

PdC: planning permission, building permit, building licence for the new construction

SCIA: asseveration for the renovation, restoration and building improvement

CILA : comunication for the building maintenance

SCEA, Certificate of habitability

CDU, City planning allocation certificate

related minor types : procedures relating to private greenery, temporary noisy construction site activities, tampering with public land etc.;


2 via Regional Platform for:

Commercial permit application

Advertising Signs permit application

Environmental permit application

Fire Prevention permit application

Elevators and freight elevator permit application


· building code, building bylaw

· entrepreneurial activities in the productive, commercial, artisan and services fields.

call SUAPE - CONTACT CENTER ----- 052140521

or send a question by

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